Brig. Gen. Samuel Asare

Commander, Southern Command Ghana Armed Forces, Republic of Ghana

Brig. Gen. Samuel Asare is a regular infantry officer who has served in the Ghana Army for 33 years. He has held several appointments including instructor Jungle Warfare School (1993‐1996) and Ghana Military Academy (1996‐2000), Military Assistant to the Minister of Defence (2004‐2007), GSOI Operations and Training at the Military Academy and Training Schools Headquarters (2009‐2011), Military Assistant to two different Chiefs of the Defence Staff of the Ghana Armed Forces (2016‐2017, 2018‐2019), and the Deputy Commander of the Ghana Military Academy (2019‐2020). He served as the Military Adviser at Ghana’s Permanent mission to the United Nations in New York from (2020‐2023). He is currently the General Officer commanding the Southern Command of the Ghana Army.                    

Brig. Gen. Asare has relevant peacekeeping experience, having served four tours with the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) as an Assistant Operations Officer (1994), twice as a Company Commander (1996, 2000) and as a Deputy Commanding Officer of the Battalion (2003). He served as a military observer in the United Nations Mission in Ethiopia‐Eritrea (UNMEE) in 2003/4. In 2009, He commanded the Ghanaian battalion with the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL).                    

Brig. Gen. Asare was recruited as a consultant for the Integrated Training Service (ITS) of the then DPKO in 2010/11 to design the mission specific Specialized Training Material (STM) for Infantry battalions being deployed to UNMISS, MONUSCO and UNAMID. Subsequently, he was seconded to ITS in 2012 as a P4 Training Officer for 3 years from 2012 to 2015.