African Lion 23 plans underway
U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Timothy Faitala, with Maneuver Company Advisor Team, 2nd Security Forces Assistance Brigade, adjusts an M-4 Carbine during African Lion 22 in Dodji, Senegal, June 22, 2022. African Lion 22 is U.S. Africa Command’s largest, premier, joint, annual exercise hosted by Morocco, Ghana, Senegal and Tunisia, June 6-30. More than 7,500 participants from 28 nations and NATO train together with a focus on enhancing readiness for U.S. and partner nation forces. AL22 is a joint all-domain, multi-component and multinational exercise, employing a full array of mission capabilities with the goal to strengthen interoperability among participants and set the theater for strategic access. (U.S. Army photo by Cpl. Zachary Myers)
Photo by: Cpl. Zachary Myers, Senegal
African Lion 23 plans underway
U.S. Marine Sgt. Anthony Ruiz, an infantry squad leader assigned to Echo Company, Battalion Landing Team 2/6, 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit, works with Tunisian armed forces to move towards an objective as part of an integrated training event during African Lion 2022, Camp Ben Ghilouf, Tunisia, June 21, 2022. African Lion 22 is a multinational- scale exercise focused on increasing training and interoperability between the U.S., partners and allies in Africa to work towards increased security and stability within the region. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Staff Sgt. Marcela Diazdeleon)
Photo by: Staff Sgt. Marcela Diazdeleon, Ben Ghilouf, Tunisia
African Lion planning underway
Tech. Sgt. Holly McLelland 1st Med Det 1, Medic, paints a child's face in a medical waiting area for children at Talouine, Morocco. June 24, 2022. African Lion 2022 is U.S. Africa Command’s largest, premier, joint, annual exercise hosted by Morocco, Ghana, Senegal and Tunisia, June 6 - 30. More than 7,500 participants from 28 nations and NATO train together with a focus on enhancing readiness for U.S. and partner nation forces. AL22 is a joint all-domain, multi-component and multinational exercise, employing a full array of mission capabilities with the goal to strengthen interoperability among participants and set the theater for strategic access. (U.S. Army National Guard photo by Spc. Alexandra Behne.)
Photo by: Sgt. 1st Class Alexandria Hughes, Morocco
Attendees of the African Land Forces Summit 2022 (ALFS) stand together for a photo following the “Airborne 5000” demonstration, an overview of U.S. Army Airborne School in Fort Benning, Georgia, Mar. 22, 2022. ALFS is a week-long summit hosted by the U.S. Army Chief of Staff intended to bring together chiefs of land forces from the African continent to discuss solutions to challenges they face and solidify relationships with partner nations.
(U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Tianna Field)
Photo by: Sgt. Tianna Field, Columbus, Georgia, United States
Gen. James C. McConville, Chief of Staff of the United States Army, answers a question following remarks at the African Land Forces Summit on Mar. 22, 2022 at the Columbus Georgia Convention and Trade Center in Columbus, Georgia. Gen. McConville gave remarks about the role of the Non-commissioned Officer as a critical component to the success of the United States Army. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Tianna Field)
Photo by: Sgt. Tianna Field, Columbus, Georgia, United States
Training Support Activity Europe
Mr. Josh Bridges, Range and Training Land Assessment (RTLA) coordinator, addresses members of the Province of Pordenone and Udine, Italian military regional command, U.S. Consulate Milan Political-Economic, U.S. Airmen stationed at Aviano Airbase, U.S. Ljubljana Office of Defense Cooperation, Slovenian Delegation, U.S. Army Southern European Task Force, Africa and the 173rd Airborne Brigade, during the Sustainable Training Area Management Workshop, Udine, Italy, September 20, 2022. Natura 2000 is a network of nature protection areas in the territory of the European Union. It is made up of Special Areas of Conservation and Special Protection Areas designated under the Habitats Directive and the Birds Directive, respectively. The network includes both terrestrial and Marine Protected Areas. The event dialogue was designed to increase and improve a developing relationship between military and civilian representatives. (U.S. Army photo by Paolo Bovo)
Photo by: Paolo Bovo, Udine, Italy
405th Army Field Support Brigade
The commander of the 405th Army Field Support Brigade made a site visit to the Humanitarian Assistance Program team in Livorno, Sept. 22. Pictured here, Col. Crystal Hills poses for a photo with the Livorno HAP team. (Courtesy photo)
Photo by: SETAF-Africa Public Affairs, Livorno, Italy
2nd SFAB partners with Botswana Defense Forces
Photo by: SETAF-Africa Public Affairs
African Land Forces Colloquium (ALFC) visit NCOA
Members of the African Land Forces Colloquium (ALFC) receive a welcome from the Noncommissioned Officer Academy (NCOA) in Grafenwoehr, Germany, Sept.13, 2022. ALFC 22 brings together African Land Force Commanders from multiple nations, along with select U.S. Army and Allied and partner army leaders, to 7th Army Training Command’s Grafenwoehr Training Area to address land force security challenges and opportunities. ALFC 22 emphasizes U.S. Army institutional training and ways to “Train to Fight.”
Photo by: Spc. Adrian Greenwood, Grafenwoehr, Bayern, Germany
7th Army Training Command
Maj. Gen. Todd R. Wasmund, U.S. Army Southern European Task Force, Africa, Commanding General, welcomes members of the African Land Forces Colloquium (ALFC) in Grafenwoehr, Germany, Sept.13, 2022. ALFC 22 brings together African Land Force Commanders from multiple nations, along with select U.S. Army and Allied and partner army leaders, to 7th Army Training Command’s Grafenwoehr Training Area to address land force security challenges and opportunities. ALFC 22 emphasizes U.S. Army institutional training and ways to “Train to Fight.” (U.S. Army photo by Spc. Adrian Greenwood)
Photo by: Spc. Adrian Greenwood, Grafenwoehr, Bayern, Germany
African Land Force Commanders visit Grafenwoehr, Germany
Maj. Gen. Todd R. Wasmund, U.S. Army Southern European Task Force, Africa, Commanding General, welcomes members of the African Land Forces Colloquium (ALFC) in Grafenwoehr, Germany, Sept.13, 2022. ALFC 22 brings together African Land Force Commanders from multiple nations with select U.S. Army and Allied and partner army leaders to address land force security challenges and opportunities.
Photo by: Spc. Adrian Greenwood, Grafenwoehr, Bayern, Germany
SETAF-AF I&S Company Change of Responsibility Ceremony
1st Sgt. Denise J. Lewis, outgoing Intelligence and Sustainment Company First Sergeant, passes the I&S Company guidon to Capt. Derrick R. Hall, commander of the U.S. Army Southern European Task Force, Africa I&S Company, during a Change of Responsibility ceremony on Caserma Del Din, Vicenza, Italy September 9, 2022. (U.S. Army photo by Chris House)
Photo by: Chris House, Vicenza, Italy
Joint Multinational Readiness Ce
U.S. Army paratroopers, assigned to the 173rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team- Airborne (173rd IBCT ABN), march to their rally point after conducting a Joint Forceable Entry mission into the Hohenfels Training Area during Exercise Saber Junction 22 at the Joint Multinational Readiness Center in Hohenfels, Germany, Sept. 7, 2022. Saber Junction 22 is a combat training rotation designed to assess the readiness of the 173rd IBCT (ABN) in executing operations in a joint, combined environment and to promote interoperability with participating allied and partner nations. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Dana Clarke)
Photo by: Staff Sgt. Dana M Clarke, Hohenfels, Bayern, Germany
Patriots Day
Twenty-one years ago our nation changed forever. On this Patriots Day, we remember the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001.
Photo by: SETAF-Africa Public Affairs
Command Sergeant Major Reese W. Teakell
Photo by: SETAF-Africa Public Affairs, Vicenza, Italy
Wasmund visits Africa
Maj. Gen. Todd R. Wasmund met with Lt. Gen. Belkhir El Farouk, General Inspector of Royal Armed Forces and Commanding South Zone in Morocco, on August 21-22, 2022, to discuss issues of mutual security interest. The commanding general for the U.S. Army Southern European Task Force, Africa visited Morocco and Tunisia as part of his first visit to Africa since taking command of the Italy-based headquarters in July. (Photo courtesy of U.S. Embassy Rabat)
Photo by: Courtesy U.S. Embassy Rabat, Morocco
Wasmund visits Africa
Maj. Gen. Todd R. Wasmund met with Lt. Gen. Belkhir El Farouk, General Inspector of Royal Armed Forces and Commanding South Zone in Morocco, on August 21-22, 2022, to discuss issues of mutual security interest. The commanding general for the U.S. Army Southern European Task Force, Africa visited Morocco and Tunisia as part of his first visit to Africa since taking command of the Italy-based headquarters in July. (Photo courtesy of U.S. Embassy Rabat)
Photo by: Courtesy U.S. Embassy Rabat, Morocco
Wasmund visits Africa
Maj. Gen. Todd R. Wasmund met with Lt. Gen. Belkhir El Farouk, General Inspector of Royal Armed Forces and Commanding South Zone in Morocco, on August 21-22, 2022, to discuss issues of mutual security interest. The commanding general for the U.S. Army Southern European Task Force, Africa visited Morocco and Tunisia as part of his first visit to Africa since taking command of the Italy-based headquarters in July. (Photo courtesy of U.S. Embassy Rabat)
Photo by: Courtesy U.S. Embassy Rabat, Morocco
Wasmund visits Africa
Maj. Gen. Todd R. Wasmund met with Lt. Gen. Belkhir El Farouk, General Inspector of Royal Armed Forces and Commanding South Zone in Morocco, on August 21-22, 2022, to discuss issues of mutual security interest. The commanding general for the U.S. Army Southern European Task Force, Africa visited Morocco and Tunisia as part of his first visit to Africa since taking command of the Italy-based headquarters in July. (Photo courtesy of U.S. Embassy Rabat)
Photo by: Courtesy U.S. Embassy Rabat, Morocco
U.S. Army Southern European Task
William Curl, son of Maj. Matthew Curl, serving with the U.S. Army Southern European Task Force, Africa, smiles with joy during the Lion Cub to Work Day at Caserma Del Din, Vicenza, Italy, Aug. 19, 2022. The event gave military children an understanding of some of the tasks their parents do while serving at SETAF-AF.
Photo by: Pfc. Semaj Johnson, Italy
U.S. Army Southern European Task
Pictured left to right are Command Sgt. Maj. Maurice D. Parker, Col. William H. Bestermann, Lt. Gen. Laura A. Potter, Maj. Gen. Todd R. Wasmund and Col. Mark A. Denton.
Photo by: 2nd Lt. Katherine Sibilla, Vicenza, Italy
U.S. Army Southern European Task
Lt. Gen. Laura A. Potter ate lunch at the Caserma Del Din dining facility with Soldiers from the 207th Military Intelligence Brigade - Theater. Potter gave Soldiers the opportunity to ask questions, which ranged from quality of living to specific military intelligence matters.
Photo by: 2nd Lt. Katherine Sibilla, Vicenza, Italy
U.S. Army Southern European Task
Before conducting her site visit, Lt. Gen. Laura A. Potter joined Soldiers from the 207th Military Intelligence Brigade - Theater for an ACFT focused PT session.
Photo by: 2nd Lt. Katherine Sibilla, Vicenza, Italy
U.S. Army Southern European Task
Lt. Gen. Laura A. Potter participated in an ACFT focused PT session with Soldiers from the 207th Military Intelligence Brigade - Theater before conducting a site visit of the Vicenza military community.
Photo by: 2nd Lt. Katherine Sibilla, Vicenza, Italy
SETAF-AF trains for crisis response in Africa
Spc. Eric Fryar, an ammunition specialist from 173rd Airborne Brigade, inspects ammunition during the North and West Africa Response Force readiness exercise on Naval Air Station Sigonella, Sicily, July 28, 2022. The exercise tested the capability of the NARF to respond to crises and protect American interests in Africa. (U.S. Army photo by Staff. Sgt. Solomon Abanda)
Photo by: Staff Sgt. Solomon Abanda, Sigonella, Italy
Sergeant Morales Club inducts new members
Sgt. 1st Class Timothy A. Brozell of U.S Army Southern European Task Force, Africa and Staff Sgt. Casey Dugan of 207th Military Intelligence Brigade are the newest members of the SETAF-AF Sergeant Morales Club on Caserma Del Din on June 18, 2022. The Sergeant Morales Club was established in 1973 by Lt. Gen. George S. Blanchard to promote the highest ideals of integrity, professionalism and leadership for the enlisted force serving in Europe. The organization embraces the same attributes as the U.S. Army’s ‘Sergeant Audie Murphy Club’. Membership is exclusive and gained through a rigorous, competitive process. SMC members exemplify a special kind of leadership characterized by a personal concern for the needs, training, development and welfare of Soldiers. SMC membership recognizes and rewards distinguished NCOs whose leadership achievements merit special recognition and who have contributed significantly to developing a professional NCO Corps and a combat-effective Army. (Army photo by Staff Sgt. Solomon Abanda)
Photo by: Staff Sgt. Solomon Abanda, Vicenza, Italy
NCOs lead through service
Sergeant Morales Club members support the development of NCOs and demonstrate care and concern for the communities they reside, often volunteering to improve Soldiers' and family members' quality of life through community service. For more information about the Sergeant Morales Club, please visit on the Web. (Army photo by Staff Sgt. Solomon Abanda)
Photo by: Staff Sgt. Solomon Abanda, Vicenza, Italy
NCOs lead through service
Sergeant Morales Club members support the development of NCOs and demonstrate care and concern for the communities they reside, often volunteering to improve Soldiers' and family members' quality of life through community service. For more information about the Sergeant Morales Club, please visit on the Web. (Army photo by Staff Sgt. Solomon Abanda)
Photo by: Staff Sgt. Solomon Abanda, Vicenza, Italy
NCOs lead through service
Sergeant Morales Club members support the development of NCOs and demonstrate care and concern for the communities they reside, often volunteering to improve Soldiers' and family members' quality of life through community service. For more information about the Sergeant Morales Club, please visit on the Web. (Army photo by Staff Sgt. Solomon Abanda)
Photo by: Staff Sgt. Solomon Abanda, Vicenza, Italy
NCOs lead through service
Sergeant Morales Club members support the development of NCOs and demonstrate care and concern for the communities they reside, often volunteering to improve Soldiers' and family members' quality of life through community service. For more information about the Sergeant Morales Club, please visit on the Web. (Army photo by Staff Sgt. Solomon Abanda)
Photo by: Staff Sgt. Solomon Abanda, Vicenza, Italy
Brig Gen Cashman (AGSU & star)
Exercise Shared Accord 2022 begins in South Africa
Maj. Mbalenhle Zondi (right), a general practitioner with the South African National Defense Force assigned to 7th Medical Battalion, and U.S. Army Capt. May Grace Kushner, a nurse with the New York Army National Guard, greet patients at Madwaleni clinic during Exercise Shared Accord July 12, 2022. Kushner is part of a team of 15 medical personnel from the New York Army National Guard partnering with medical professionals of the South Africa National Defense Force to treat patients in KwaZulu-Natal, a province in South Africa. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Marita Schwab)
Photo by: Sgt. Marita Schwab, South Africa
Exercise Shared Accord 2022 begins in South Africa
U.S. Army Col. Martin Ortiz, a pediatrician with the New York Army National Guard, evaluates a patient while a member of the South Africa National Defense Force observes during the start of Exercise Shared Accord on July 11, 2022. A key component of Shared Accord 2022 is a medical training exercise, planned and executed by the United States Army Southern European Task Force, Africa, that allow military medical personnel from the U.S. Army and their African Partners to exchange medical practices, procedures and techniques that build and strengthen treatment capabilities, resulting in lasting relationships between medical professionals. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Mariajose Licea)
Photo by: Pfc. MariaJose Licea, South Africa
Exercise Shared Accord 2022 begins in South Africa
A doctor at the Buchanana Clinic in Ntambanana, South Africa, briefs members of the U.S. Army and South African National Defense Force during the start of Exercise Shared Accord 2022 on July 11, 2022 in the KwaZulu-Natal province, S. Africa. A key part of Shared Accord 2022 is a medical training exercise, planned and executed by the United States Army Southern European Task Force, Africa, that allow military medical personnel from the U.S. Army and their African Partners to exchange medical practices, procedures and techniques that build and strengthen treatment capabilities, resulting in lasting relationships between medical professionals. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Mariajose Licea)
Photo by: Pfc. MariaJose Licea, Ntambanana, South Africa
Exercise Shared Accord 2022 begins in South Africa
A South African National Defense Force dentist examines a patient with Col. Martin Ortiz, a pediatrician with the New York Army National Guard, during a medical readiness exercise July 11, 2022 at the Buchanana Clinic in Ntambanana, South Africa. The medical readiness exercise, or MEDREX, combines U.S. Army and African medical providers for a three week medical exchange. The MEDREX is part of Exercise Shared Accord in South Africa. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Mariajose Licea)
Photo by: SETAF-Africa Public Affairs, Ntambanana, South Africa
Exercise Shared Accord 2022 begins in South Africa
Maj. Dwayne Bodie, a dentist with the New York Army National Guard, teams up with a medical professional from the South African National Defense Force to teach dental students at the Buchanana Clinic in Ntambanana, South Africa during the start of Exercise Shared Accord 22 on July 11, 2022. Shared Accord 22 featured a medical readiness exercise, planned and executed by the United States Army Southern European Task Force, Africa and the New York Army National Guard. The medical readiness exercise allowed military medical personnel from the U.S. Army and South African partners to exchange medical practices, procedures and techniques that build and strengthen treatment capabilities, resulting in lasting relationships between medical professionals. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Mariajose Licea)
Photo by: SETAF-Africa Public Affairs, South Africa
U.S. Soldiers assist passengers injured in Somalia plane crash
Somali first responders extinguish fire on a Jubba Airlines aircraft July 18, 2022, at Mogadishu International Airport, Mogadishu, Somalia. Three U.S. Army 2nd Security Force Assistance Brigade Soldiers out of Fort Bragg, N.C., helped first responders care for injured passengers. The Soldiers were conducting medical training with a platoon of Somalia’s Danab commandos when the aircraft crash-landed at Mogadishu International Airport at 10:30 a.m. While the Danab commandos rushed toward the scene to pull injured passengers from the aircraft, the three American SFAB team members established a triage station about 100 meters from the crash site and assisted local emergency responders to evacuate 16 injured passengers to nearby medical facilities. (U.S. Army photo)
Photo by: Maj. Cain Claxton, Mogadishu, Somalia
U.S. Soldiers assist passengers injured in Somalia plane crash
Somalia Danab brigade commandos climb a fence to get to a Jubba Airlines aircraft that crash-landed July 18, 2022, at Mogadishu International Airport, Mogadishu, Somalia. Three U.S. Army 2nd Security Force Assistance Brigade Soldiers out of Fort Bragg, N.C., helped first responders care for injured passengers. The Soldiers were conducting medical training with a platoon of Somalia’s Danab commandos when the aircraft crash-landed at Mogadishu International Airport at 10:30 a.m. While the Danab commandos rushed toward the scene to pull injured passengers from the aircraft, the three American SFAB team members established a triage station about 100 meters from the crash site and assisted local emergency responders to evacuate 16 injured passengers to nearby medical facilities. (U.S. Army photo)
Photo by: Maj. Cain Claxton, Mogadishu, Somalia
U.S. Soldiers assist passengers injured in Somalia plane crash
Somalia Danab brigade commandos and other first responders rush to evacuate passengers from Jubba Airlines aircraft that crash-landed July 18, 2022, at Mogadishu International Airport, Mogadishu, Somalia. Three U.S. Army 2nd Security Force Assistance Brigade Soldiers out of Fort Bragg, N.C., helped first responders care for injured passengers. The Soldiers were conducting medical training with a platoon of Somalia’s Danab commandos when the aircraft crash-landed at Mogadishu International Airport at 10:30 a.m. While the Danab commandos rushed toward the scene to pull injured passengers from the aircraft, the three American SFAB team members established a triage station about 100 meters from the crash site and assisted local emergency responders to evacuate 16 injured passengers to nearby medical facilities. (U.S. Army photo)
Photo by: Maj. Cain Claxton, Mogadishu, Somalia