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Military equipment 'under way' for African Lion 21

6:45 AM5/25/2021
Transportation experts assigned to the 841st Transportation Bn. began vessel loading operations on the Ocean Gladiator in support of Exercise African Lion 21 at Jacksonville, Fla., May 10.
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Gregory builds partnership with Sergeant Major of Italian Army

7:39 AM5/24/2021
Command Sgt. Maj. Charles Gregory, the Command Sergeant Major of U.S. Army Southern European Task Force, Africa, dialogues with 1Lgt. (Primo Lugotenente) Antonino Pellegrino, the newly (and first ever) appointed Sergeant Major of the Italian Army, in Rome, Italy, May 13. Gregory was the first command senior enlisted leader to to visit Pellegrino since he was selected for the position. (Courtesy Photo)
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African Land Forces Summit 2021

3:24 PM5/20/2021
Maj. Gen. Andrew M. Rohling, the U.S. Army Southern European Task Force, Africa commander, left, and Col. Ed Williams, the SETAF-AF Security Cooperation Directorate director, discuss challenges and opportunities focused on this year’s African Land Forces Summit (ALFS) theme: “Maintaining Security in a Degraded Environment” with African land force commanders and senior enlisted leaders during a regional breakout session at the 2021 ALFS at Caserma Del Din in Vicenza, Italy, May 19, 2021. This year, taking into consideration travel limitations and the safety of country delegations, ALFS was a virtual event. (U.S. Army photo by Spc. Meleesa Gutierrez)
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African Land Forces Summit 2021

3:20 PM5/20/2021
Maj. Gen. Andrew M. Rohling, the U.S. Army Southern European Task Force, Africa commander, left, and SETAF-AF Command Sgt. Maj. Charles W. Gregory Jr., right, discuss challenges and opportunities focused on this year’s African Land Forces Summit theme: “Maintaining Security in a Degraded Environment” with African land force commanders and senior enlisted leaders during a regional breakout session at the 2021 ALFS at Caserma Del Din in Vicenza, Italy, May 19, 2021. This year, taking into consideration travel limitations and the safety of country delegations, ALFS was a virtual event. (U.S. Army photo by Spc. Meleesa Gutierrez)
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Press Release

ALFS 21: US Army, African land force leadership discuss maintaining security despite pandemic challenges

11:08 AM5/20/2021
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Brigadier General Aida T. Borras

8:17 AM5/19/2021
Brig. Gen. Aida T. Borras
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African Land Forces Summit 2021 Preview

5:29 AM5/18/2021
Since 2010, the African Land Forces Summit has been of great importance in building partnerships with African Land Force chiefs and discuss security concerns. This year, taking into consideration travel limitations and the safety of country delegations, the U.S. Army is utilizing a widely accepted communication technology to host the ninth annual ALFS on May 19. Gathered together into smaller, regionally focused groups, land force leaders – including land chiefs and senior enlisted leaders – from across the African continent will discuss challenges and opportunities focused on this year’s ALFS theme: “Maintaining Security in a Degraded Environment.”
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African Land Forces Summit 2021 Preview

5:03 AM5/18/2021
Since 2010, the African Land Forces Summit has been of great importance in building partnerships with African Land Force chiefs and discuss security concerns. This year, taking into consideration travel limitations and the safety of country delegations, the U.S. Army is utilizing a widely accepted communication technology to host the ninth annual ALFS on May 19. Gathered together into smaller, regionally focused groups, land force leaders – including land chiefs and senior enlisted leaders – from across the African continent will discuss challenges and opportunities focused on this year’s ALFS theme: “Maintaining Security in a Degraded Environment.”
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Air Assault

2:03 PM5/17/2021
As part of the Air Assault exercise during Swift Response21, Sky Soldiers board Blackhawks and Chinooks from 1st Battalion, 214th Aviation Regiment, 12th Combat Aviation Brigade and head to assault an objective at Novo Selo Training Area, Bulgaria. After landing, paratroopers moved out to capture key points at the drop zones and clear the enemy of all of their defensive positions. Thanks to the resistance by our allies in the Bulgarian Armed Forces acting as enemy forces, our units received tough and realistic training! Swift Response 21 will occur May 6-11, as the airborne operation portion of DEFENDER-Europe 21. It will validate U.S. European Command's ability to send high readiness forces into a designated area by conducting an airborne exercise consisting of strategic jumps as part of a Joint Forcible Entry (JFE) in three countries to seize key terrain.
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Training Support Activity Europe

1:57 PM5/17/2021
A U.S. Soldier from 173rd Airborne Brigade pulls security for his squad after a nighttime airborne assault from Hungary into Cheshnegirovo Air Base, Bulgaria as part of Swift Response 21, Cheshnigirovo, Bulgaria, 11 May, 2021. Swift Response 21 is a linked exercise of DEFENDER-Europe 21, which involves special operations activities, air assaults, and live-fire exercises in Estonia, Bulgaria, and Romania, demonstrating airborne interoperability among NATO allies. DEFENDER-Europe 21 is a large-scale U.S. Army-led exercise designed to build readiness and interoperability between the U.S., NATO allies, and partner militaries. This year, more than 28,000 multinational forces from 26 nations will conduct nearly simultaneous operations across more than 30 training areas in more than a dozen countries from the Baltics to the strategically important Balkans and Black Sea Region. Follow the latest news and information about DEFENDER-Europe 21, visit (US Army photo by Kevin Sterling Payne)
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African Land Forces Summit Fact Sheet

12:39 PM5/13/2021
African Land Forces Summit Fact Sheet
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African Land Forces Summit History

12:29 PM5/13/2021
African Land Forces Summit History
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Cavoli builds partnerships with key leaders in Senegal

7:42 AM5/10/2021
Gen. Christopher G. Cavoli, Commander, U.S. Army Europe and Africa, visits the Senegalese Partnership Garden at the Senegalese Joint Force Headquarters with the Senegal Chief of the General Staff Lt. Gen. Cheikh Wade during a diplomatic engagement to Dakar, April 21. Cavoli visited Senegal from April 19-21, to conduct engagements with Senegal’s chief of the general staff, and officials from French elements in Senegal, as well as with the U.S. Ambassador to Senegal and Guinea-Bissau. (Photo by Fareed Abdullah, U.S. Embassy Dakar)
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Why I Serve: Capt. Leyla Kosakowski

8:34 AM5/6/2021
Why I Serve: “I joined the Army to make a difference for this country while fighting for it. I continue to serve to protect the health of the men and women of this country and to emphasize preventive medicine to conserve the fighting force.” -- Capt. Leyla Kosakowski, a 2nd Security Force Assistance Brigade environmental science and engineering officer (U.S. Army photo by Maj. Kymberley Jurado)
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Cavoli, Rohling engage with Nigerien, European security partners

7:49 PM5/4/2021
Gen. Christopher Cavoli, the U.S. Army Europe and Africa commander, center, and Maj. Gen. Andrew M. Rohling, the U.S. Army Southern European Task Force, Africa commander, third from right, accompanied by staff and the U.S. Embassy country team, greet Gen. Seydou Badje, the Niger Armed Forces chief of staff, April 21,2021 at Airbase 101 in Niamey, Niger. (U.S. State Dept. photo by CW2 Kory Dannerfrank)
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Rohling discusses partnership, security with government, military officials in The Gambia

11:05 AM4/30/2021
U.S. Ambassador to The Gambia Richard Paschall, left, and Maj. Gen. Mamat Cham, The Gambia Armed Forces deputy chief of defense staff, center, greet U.S. Army Southern European Task Force, Africa Commander Maj. Gen. Andrew M. Rohling upon his arrival in Banjul, The Gambia, April 19, 2021. Rohling visited The Gambia from April 19-20, and met with the country’s vice president, minister of defense, chief of defense staff, deputy chief of defense staff, and the commanders of the Gambian army, navy, and national guard. He also observed a military demonstration and participated in discussions with various European security partners to reinforce the U.S. Army’s commitment to partnership amidst the growing threat of violent extremist organizations in the region. (U.S. State Department photo by Tech. Sgt. Thomas J. Posey)
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Sgt. Maj. Alessandro Cavallaro's Why I Serve

8:42 AM4/29/2021
Italian Army Sgt. Maj. Alessandro Cavallaro, G3 Italian Ground Liaison, shares his reason for serving in the military at Caserma Ederle in Vicenza, Italy, April 26, 2021. Cavallaro has served alongside "Sky Soldiers" of the 173rd Airborne Brigade for the last six years. (U.S. Army video by Spc. Meleesa Gutierrez)
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North Africa Response Force tests no-notice deployment capabilities

1:39 PM4/23/2021
Soldiers from the 173rd Airborne Brigade exit a Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey and pull security during cold load training at the North Africa Response Force Mission Readiness Exercise on Naval Air Station Sigonella, Italy, April 22, 2021. Even under rigorous COVID-19 mitigation measures, the exercise tested the no-notice deployment capability of U.S. Africa Command’s North and West Africa Response Force, made up of elements of the 173rd Airborne Brigade and the U.S. Army Southern European Task Force , Africa from Vicenza, Italy, and Marine Corps and Air Force aviation elements from Spain and Germany respectively. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Semaj Johnson)
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Press Release

Cavoli, Rohling travel to West Africa, engage with partner military, government officials

1:37 PM4/23/2021
USAREUR-AF and SETAF-AF commanders travel to West Africa to conduct engagements with West African partner military and government officials, U.S. embassy country teams, and NATO allies in the region.
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SETAF-Africa tests joint task force capability at exercise

10:59 AM4/21/2021
Maj. Gen. Andrew M. Rohling, bottom left, and members of the Joint Task Force listen to a briefing from a member of the JTF staff to gain situational understanding of the battlespace during the command post exercise at the Grafenwoehr Training Area in Grafenwöhr, Germany, April 15, 2021. The command post exercise, April 9-16, tested SETAF-AF's ability to integrate maritime, air and land components and execute its mission as an expeditionary joint task force prior to the execution of the African Lion 21 multinational exercise that will be conducted in Morocco, Tunisia, and Senegal in June. (DoD photo by Staff Sgt. Flor Gonzalez, U.S. Africa Command)
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